Tuesday, February 14, 2017



These are series of dreams ,visions and visitations given to zipporah mushala
who is from Zambia, Africa in order to warn Christians and humanity at large.
Kindly take these warnings seriously and repent with complete honesty. Cry out
to Jesus to deliver you from the cravings of this world and from the deception of
the evil one.

Artificial nails (While Zippora was praying, this is what she saw)

I saw a demon with a hand that had nails which were polished.
The nails were of different colours,shapes,sizes and they kept growing every
second. The Lord revealed that artificial nails come from this demon's hands!
He even showed me the same nails,displayed in a shop for sell. I then saw a girl
wearing an ankle bracelet but in the spirit it wasn't a bracelet but a snake!I saw a
satanic agent standing at a cross road. She was dressed indecently. Near her,I
saw an invisible stand with all sorts of jewellery displayed.This stand was spiritual
and was invisible to the human eye.
Whenever a man lusted after this girl,some
jewellery,for example a neck chain would come from the stand and appear on
the man spiritualy and from then on he would get possessed with the spirit of
lust. This would happen in the spirit and could not be seen physically. I saw a
shopping complex.Its made of small bricks and has many stories.But I saw that all
the bricks were eyes in the spiritual realm,meant to be monitoring people's lives.
I also saw a small plane hovering the complex with monitoring agents in it. All
this was in the spirit and could not be seen physically. I also saw demons making
different types of food.When they were done,they lifted it in sacrifice to satan. I
then saw the same food appear in different food outlets.I saw one of the demons
I had seen making the food in the spiritual realm now posing as a chef in one of
the outlets. The Lord showed me different scented lotions being manifactured in
the satanic Kingdom then brought to earth. Am not saying it's a sin to use
lotions,if you pray for the lotion it will be purified.Unless it's a sinful thing like a
skin bleaching lotion,then it won't be purified because it's sinful. The Lord said
sinful things like jewellery and makeup and wigs and indecent clothes will not be
purified even if you pray for them. But normal things such as food and other
things that aren't sinful will be purified by prayer. However if a weak christian
eats those things without praying for them,they will have effect on them. Satan is desperate for control in people's lives because he knows his time is short.The
bible says he is like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. Unless you stay close
to Jesus you will be caught in his snare. (END OF VISION)

Little sins that lead to hell (26th November 2015)

Today at around 1 pm,I was feeling very depressed and my heart was heavy.I did
not know the reason.I just felt very sad I almost like crying.Then suddenly,I felt
my spirit move out of me and I found my self in a section of hell with the Lord
Jesus by my side. This section looked like a cave and was filled with a very bad
odour and it was so dark that the human eye could not see.Only the Lord
enabled me to see.The place was so lonely that loneliness felt like a physical
presence. I saw an elderly woman sitting down with snakes crawling in and out of
her through every opening.Her hands had been bound together and there so
many worms on her that she seemed to struggle just sitting up straight.Her skin
had pilled off due to the fire and she was biting her lips in agony!I felt so much
pity for her because she was elderly.I was feeling as if she was my Mum.
Jesus said "this woman was a market trader but when ever customers would
come,she would pretend not to have change to their money if she saw that the
change she was supposed to give them was small.To me,no matter the
amount,what she did was theft and no thief will inherit my Kingdom.Many
people get things secretly from other people and think they will not mind
because they are small but that is theft to me." 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. This left me
in great fear of the Lord.The woman was looking at me with so much agony and
she seemed to have hope that what she was going through was just a lesson.She
had false hope.Unfortunately,it was too late for her. Then the Lord showed me
another person in that section.This person was so skinny that his skeletal
structure could be seen.His whole body was ablaze.When he saw the Lord,he
attempted to crawl to him screaming, "help me Lord!" but the demons would not
allow him and kept pulling him back.They tied chains onto his legs and would
drag him back with full force.There were about 5 demons in charge of him.These
demons were very ugly and had faces like leopards.They were also very strong!I
asked the Lord, "why is this man here Lord?" Then Jesus told me, "this man had a
very goof friend,oneday he was in need of money and borrowed some from his
friend.However as time went by without his friend asking for the money back,he started seeing paying back as not so important as he was good friends with the
man and as the amount was small.However, since he had promised to pay it
back,he had tied himself to that promise.To untie himself from that promise,he
should have asked his friend if it is alright not to pay back but he decided to keep
quiet and died like that.Hence he is here for theft . "What the Lord showed me
today left me in shock as many people today are guilty of such sins.Sometimes
we may not see something as sin but the Lord is holy and all who enter his
kingdom should be holy.The bible says without holiness no man shall see the
Lord so we should ask the Lord to reveal anything that will lead us to eternal
damnation.These are the words of the Lord,he who has an ear,let him hear.


1 John 2:15-17 "Do not love the world nor the things in the world.If anyone
loves the world,the love of the Father is not in him.For all that is in the world
the world,the lust of the flesh,the lust of the eyes,and the pride of life are not of
the Father but of the world.And the world is passing away,and the lust of it;but
he who does the will of God abides forever."
The Lord Jesus Christ came to me and said,"Why are my children failing to
completely let go of the world? What is so hard about completely letting go? Are
they not decided that it is me they want? How much longer should I wait before I
know if they really belong to me?"
He said "Come let me show you why my people keep going back to their old
ways. "He said,"The first step to falling is through lust of the eyes.When people
come across something they used to do when they were in the world,they are
attracted and say, 'I am not going to do it,am just looking!Before they know
it,they end up going back to that thing because of lust of the eyes.They go back
to their filth." 2 Peter 2:22"But it has happened to them according to the true
proverb: “A dog returns to his own vomit,and a sow,having washed, to her
wallowing in the mire.” "If someone used to wear adornments of jewelry and
they see a latest one,I see them looking and saying,'let me just see what it looks
like' but they end up buying it and they start walking on the road to Hell again."
 "If someone loved secular Tv so much and they see someone watching a new
movie,they will ask the person watching, 'what is the movie about?' And they will
forward the movie to see what it is about and say,'Am just taking a look.I won't
watch." He said,"Now let me tell you.What people do not know is that as they
are doing that,the spells from that movie or those jewels are being cast on them
by demons.They are disobeying me and so I will not protect them from the spells
in those things." 1 Samuel 15:21-22 "Does the Lord delight have great delight in
sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold,Obedience is better than
sacrifice and to heed than the fat of rams.For rebellion is the same as the sin of
witchcraft,and stubbornness is the same as iniquity and worshiping Idols.
He said," After these spells have worked on them due to their lust of their eyes,
before they know it,they would have finished watching the whole movie.Those
spells will capture them as they are still looking." Then they will also watch the
next secular movie in the name of just seeing and then the next.Soon,they would
have been captured by the devil.They would then start relaxing in sin and the
spells will make them think there is nothing wrong with what they are doing.They
will start to justify sin and that is how compromise starts.Stay away from sin!"
"Many demons eagerly wait for a chance when God's children will look at their
things in admiration so that they can cast a lot of spells to make that person fall."
"If my children keep looking back to your past life,they will become like the wife
of Lot who kept looking back at her past life.She turned into a pillar of salt."
"I am saying to the world again, leave Sodom and Gomorrah and don't look back
no matter what you do!This time,the consequences are not turning into a pillar
of salt but eternal damnation in the fires of Hell!Decide now who you want to
love.Either me or the world.You can't love both and be saved." (END)

1 comment:

  1. Jewelry aint a sin to wear. And tell your sister that Blow-drying your hair isnt a sin either
