Tuesday, February 14, 2017



Sister Linda PaulRika is a woman who hails from Sierra Leone who had a very powerful encounter on February, 15th 2013 that changed her life forever. Her entire testimony could cover over fifteen pages, so for the sake of space, this is just a summary of her testimony highlighting the most convicting and important bits.    


Sister Linda is an orphan and the 2nd born in her family. Her father died in 1997 and her mother later died around 2001. She was still very young and still in school when she was orphaned. All her relatives and uncles abandoned her and since they had no inheritance from their parents, they started suffering. So to support herself, she started dating married men and soliciting money from them. She did everything in her ability to attract rich men towards her. She would dress in extreme nudity, micro-miniskirts, tops and blouses that would expose her breasts. She would paint herself and do all sorts of attractive hairdo all in an effort to attract classy men. In addition to all these, she was an ardent lover of clubbing, smoking cigarettes and bhang, drinking alcohol, fornication, abortion etc. On top of all these things, she was a regular attendee of a certain church, and she would wear in the same manner to church only to flaunt her body for men to see and get attracted to her.


One day, her younger sister (Finda) was approached by a certain pastor (pastor Emeka) and he started evangelizing to her the real doctrine of holiness in Christ. He began revealing to her that God is Holy and He requires all Christians to live holy lives. The pastor explained the danger of being worldly and dressing like the rest of the world. So Finda began asking the pastor, “Pastor are you true? You mean my sisters and I are heading to hell? Pastor, we are orphans and have been suffering like this and then we go to hell?” The pastor replied that being an orphan is not an excuse. Then Finda went back to their house, crying and feeling very distressed. She was crying as she was explaining to Linda and her elder sister, “we are going to hell…all these things we are doing yet we say that we are born again…we lie, we steal, we fornicate…we put on Jezebel Property.” She later narrated how she had met Pastor Emeka, who opened the scriptures for her and told her the real truth. The next morning, Finda took all her trousers, all her weaves, wigs, make-up and set them on fire. She told her elder sisters to stop buying her weaves, and paintings and trousers. That no boyfriend money should pay her fees. Sister Linda would hear her younger sister Finda pray for her. She would ask Linda severally to abandon her lukewarm Christian life and embrace holiness but Linda would hear none of it. She was getting worse in worldliness: she tattooed her face, pierced her nose,etc..


Sometime later, Linda was informed that a boy who was her friend had died. They used to party and drink alcohol together. The boy had multiple lovers and was deeply engrossed in sin. The news of the boy’s death shook Linda and she attended the funeral that was scheduled on the 13th of February 2013. At the funeral, the pastor was preaching and claiming that he had the impression that the boy had gone to heaven. That people should emulate the boy, because he was faithful in church, used to tithe..etc. This kind of preaching made Linda to rejoice because she knew the kind of life that the boy was living. So she thought to herself that,” if a person who used to party, drink alcohol and have multiple sex partners is now in heaven, then I am also going to heaven.” Immediately she had this thought, she heard a voice, very distinctly saying to her, “YOU ARE NEXT TO DIE!” This made Linda to tremble. The voice tormented her the whole of that funeral service coming back every 2-5

minutes. After the service, she told finda to pray for her which she did. But the voice would only subside temporarily and come back again. When she tried to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes to get rid of the voice, it would come even more powerfully and she would drop the alcohol bottle or the cigarette. This voice torment went on until the morning of the 15th of February, 2013.


When Linda woke up on that fateful morning of 15th February 2013, she was very weak. She was feeling pain all over her body. Finda her sister was praying for her, crying and begging God for Linda’s life. Finda tried to lead her to Christ and make her repent but her tongue was very heavy, she could not utter a word. Then she breathed her last. She then found herself walking on a very wide road with very very many people. The people were all colors, all races, young, old, tall, short. They were all walking in one direction. When she had walked some distance, she started hearing fearful cries and voices, “heeeeee, mercy, water, heeeee, I can’t take it, its too much, woooooi”…she started wondering what was going on. She started thinking of turning and going back, but she couldn’t. It was like a force was keeping her walking and she couldn’t just stop or turn back. Everyone on that road couldn’t turn or stop walking. Then they reached the entrance. It was pitch dark and very fearful. It had evil, wicked decorations. Then she heard voices of beings coming toward them. They were tall, huge, muscular demons with all kinds of weapons. By now Linda was trembling with fear and then one of the demons plunged its claws into Linda’s body and began dragging her inside. The sharp, piercing pain of the demons claws made her scream and start begging for mercy but the demon would not even look at her. The darkness at that place was so much, that it could be touched. She opened her eyes but she wouldn’t even see a thing. The smell in that place was horrible. By now the heat that was around her made her to feel as if her skin was melting.


When she reached inside hell, she was placed in her own department of torture. She would hear nerve-wrecking screams from other people-millions, upon millions of people in hell, some would say, “heeeeeeee….don’t do this…..have mercy….my eye…my body...noooooo…water…I cant take it…..Jesus!....God have mercy!”…By now Linda was trembling with fear. The demons approached her, laughing and carrying fearful weapons on their bodies. Linda started begging for mercy. She begged, “you people please show me mercy, please don’t hurt me, I beg you please.” The demons just started laughing, and then one of the demons started addressing Linda. It said, “Linda, you disobedient child. You are now dead and this is hell, this is your home now. You people are stubborn, you disobey God, we will deal with you here!” The demon continued, “this is a place where you will regret all the things you ever did against God…we will torture you here for your disobedience, and every part of your body that is polluted, we will torture you for it!” By this point Linda was dumbfounded, crying and begging for mercy. The demon now started, “we will start with your head.” Linda was confused, she didn’t understand how she sinned against God using her head. Then the demon explained, “all these things you were doing on your head, shaping your head, dyeing your hair and putting on the property of Jezebel.” Linda asked them what the property of jezebel was, so the demon answered, “all these weave-on, wigs, fake hair, was it your hair? You are a liar…you have been deceiving yourself…we will deal with you here!! Then Linda replied, “My pastor did not tell me. If my pastor would have told me, then I would have removed the fake hair.” The demon said, “nobody ever preached it to you?” Linda replied, “Nobody, nobody is preaching it.” The demon said, “Your sister told you and you said you don’t believe, that it doesn’t matter. Now you will believe.” Then Linda started begging for mercy, she began saying that she will repent, that she will not put those things again. The demon said, “Linda, there is no going back, there is no going back. Don’t you know that hell is forever? Don’t you know that there is no repentance here?” Then the demon took a very hot iron and said to Linda, “you used to love it when you would sit down and they would design your hair with needle and threads, am going to use Iron.” Then the demon pierced her head with the iron in all directions, as if to design her head. Linda shouted, the pain that ran through Linda’s body was unbearable. All her head smashed up and her brain was falling down but within seconds, her head reformed and came back together. She cried, and cried, she wanted to die, but she couldn’t. It was everlasting torture. Then the demons said, “we are coming to your face. All these make-up you were putting on your face, you’ve been polluting yourself, don’t you know that tattoo is a sin?” Then Linda said that it was a certain pastor who was preaching that it doesn’t matter. That when Linda heard pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s preaching and saying that it is your body, tattoo doesn’t matter, it is your soul that matters, she went and got a tattoo on her face and back. The demon took the hot, very hot iron and started removing the tattoos from her body, from her face and back…she screamed, and cried and beg for mercy…but as usual, the demons would just laugh and celebrate at her pain…then the skin would reform. Then the demon said that they are coming to her mouth. “You were drinking alcohol, using your mouth to curse, putting sinful things in your mouth. We will torture you here today.” Linda was helpless. The demons brought her a bottle and told her to drink because she used to love to drink alcohol. When she drank it, it was raw acid, it burnt the entire of her mouth and down towards her throat…she quickly threw down the bottle and then her mouth and throat sealed again…Linda cried, and cried…Then they said that they were coming to her private parts..then they suspended her up in the air…they came with a long spear and said they will insert it in her vagina…the demon said, “when you were on earth, you did abortions, you used to love sex, don’t you know that sex is for married people?” Then the demons took the spear and struck it right into Linda’s vagina, the demon inserted it severally pushing it back and forth until all the internal organs fell down…Linda felt excruciating pain…she wanted to die…it was too much for her..she couldn’t stand it…she was extremely thirsty….she was weak…she had cried and cried and cried…Then finally the demons threw her into the fire where there were millions and millions of people all shouting and begging for mercy…It was like a swimming pool..a very broad pool of fire..then some very huge worms in the fire started coming towards her. When the worms bit her, it was like when a dog bites you here on earth, and they were many of them. Linda now started cursing God, asking why He created her just to throw her to hell, asking for water, crying for mercy…but it was all in vain…everybody in hell is calling out on Jesus. All the muslims when they die, when they get to hell, they never call to allah, or mohammed, they all call out to Jesus.


Then suddenly, she started ascending from the pit of hell, a force was lifting her from the fire. She thought she was going to another chamber for more torture. When she was being lifted up from the fire, all her body was like meat –roasted meat. Then after being lifted up from the fire, she stood before a man wearing, clean , bright ,white garments. The man shook her head and then started leading her out of hell. Then Linda started wondering how this man knew the way out of hell…she was following this man then they started ascending, like a force lifting them up.The man did not say anything to her. Then they reached at a big, beautiful gate with precious stones on it. So beautiful and attractive was this gate that Linda forgot all her suffering in hell.


When she was standing at the gate, angels came towards and started touching her body and immediately it was transformed into a glorious body. Then suddenly a very bright light hit Linda, it was very bright that she could not keep her eyes open. Then she heard a voice, “WELCOME MY DAUGHTER LINDA.” When she heard this voice, the ground thundered and she found herself on her knees. When she opened her eyes, she saw a man wearing golden sandals, a very mighty man…when she raised her head to look at His face, she noticed that light was coming from her face…He was very glorious and handsome…Then He stretched His arm to raise her up and Linda noticed that He had a hole on His hand. He told her, “I AM JESUS THE SON OF GOD, THE ONE THAT DIED AND [NOW] LIVE[S] AGAIN. I AM YOUR SAVIOUR. Then Jesus took her for a walk in heaven. She was seeing the streets of gold, the mansions, the beautiful flowers, the sweet breeze, the joy and peace in heaven. She was shown Mary the mother of Jesus. She saw Mary among many children and Jesus told her that people think that Mary is interceding for catholics in heaven yet Mary is a caretaker of children. Jesus re-affirmed that Mary should not be worshipped.


Then Jesus took Linda to hell for a second time, but this time she was with Jesus. This round she was shown many things, the torture that different categories of sinners are undergoing, how satan is casting spells on things Christians ignorantly use that are manufactured from hell and she also had conversations with some of the people who had died and were now in hell. She was shown idolators, all those who worship other things other than God Almighty, other than Jesus, the muslims, catholics ,hindus etc…they were suffering immensely. She was shown the smokers in hell…they were being given hot things to put in their mouth…their mouth would be roasted.she was shown  fornicators. Adulterers had snakes coming out of their private parts. She was also shown homosexuals suffering…a very hot iron was inserted in their anus…



Jesus then turned to Linda, “My Church is dirty!! This is not My church! Go and tell them, any pastor or pastor’s wife, any member, any one of me, that they say that they are following Christ, any one that is putting on these Jezebel property… Any pastor wife, any pastor that are carrying the property of jezebel, that are carrying the property of satan will never enter my kingdom. Go and tell them because I will tell them one day I know you not. Nobody that is defiled will enter my kingdom. Many are changing their color, they are putting on bleaching creams, tell them, any body that is lying, they are carrying false property on their body, they are telling me, their creator that I did not create them well, I know what is good for everyone tell them they will not enter my kingdom…Go and warn all women that are wearing trousers that they are disobeying me, it is an abomination.” Jesus warned against wearing the property of Jezebel (weaves, wigs,braids,hair-perm, hair-dye, lipstick,eyelash,eye-pencil, Mascara,cutex,skin bleaching creams,perfumes,cosmetics,earrings,necklace,rings). He said that nobody wearing these things will enter His Kingdom.


This is just but an excerpt from “The testimony of Sister Linda- A warning From God to all women.”  I strongly recommend that you watch the DVD and hear her tell the testimony herself. You will hear her narrate how she saw her mother in hell, begging for mercy from Jesus…you will also see how emotional she gets especially when she is narrating the whole of this testimony. I usually give the DVD FREE OF CHARGE  so if you have a place where you can watch it from, you can call or text me on 0734 880 927 and I’ll be glad to let you have one of them.                       

This message about holiness is not something new, God is using lots of other people to confirm this. Here is a list of people who have had supernatural encounters with God and warned them of these things as well:

1.Evangelist Claire AnduonAtongo.

2.Margaret .O.Amure

3.Ezekiel Moses

4.Michael Thomas Sambo





Just go and google these names and read/watch their testimonies and you will notice that they are both addressing these same issues.

Our God loves us and doesn’t want us to perish and that is why He is revealing these truths to us. It is up to us to reciprocate his love back to him by obeying His warning and keeping ourselves from being polluted by the world.



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This testimony is a demonic lie out of the pits of hell with barely any biblical basis whatsoever. Do we go around blindly believing every so-called prophet we encounter online? Or do we test everyrthing they say against the word of God himself- The Bible.

    Perfume? Jewelry? Cosmetics? None of these are even sins to wear! In fact we have SEVERAL biblical instances where these are not only were they use by God's people, but also encouraged and promoted!

    Ruth 3:3
    Now do as I tell you—take a bath and put on perfume and dress in your nicest clothes. Then go to the threshing floor, but don’t let Boaz see you until he has finished eating and drinking.

    His cheeks are like gardens of spices giving off fragrance. His lips are like lilies, perfumed with myrrh.
    Song of Solomon 5:13

    “Then I asked, ‘Whose daughter are you?’ She replied, ‘I am the daughter of Bethuel, and my grandparents are Nahor and Milcah.’ So I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her wrists.
    Genesis 24:47

    Then he brought out silver and gold jewelry and clothing and presented them to Rebekah. He also gave expensive presents to her brother and mother.

    Genesis 24:53

    So we see that there isnt inherently wrong with using cosmetics, perfumes, or jewelries... the only problem is when people get lifted up in their pride and make themselves haugthy

    And yet here goes false prophets saying that the mere act of wearing X object will damn People, GET SOME DISCERNMENT.
