Tuesday, February 14, 2017



This is only part of the testimony of Rachael mushala who had a supernatural
encounter with Jesus Christ and was given numerous warnings to Christians and
humanity at large. Since then, the Lord has been using her powerfully,
revealing to her what lay Christians are ignorantly doing that may lead them to
hell. Kindly prayerfully read this testimony and amend any part of your life that is
astray that could land you in hell.

The punishment for gossipers, liars, people who tell dirty jokes, dirty stories,
and use their tongues in sin

May I share with you a few more visions of hell given to me by the Lord on
different days? It's my responsibility to warn you of this place because I don't
want to be held accountable for anyone's soul that day. The Lord said to me, "If I
tell you to deliver a warning but you fail to do it, those people will die in their sin,
but I’ll hold you responsible." (Ezekiel 33:8)
The Lord showed me hell. The section
He showed me was so vast. I can't estimate how large it was. Thousands of souls
fall into hell everyday and the Lord said hell is never satisfied and has enlarged
itself (Isaiah 5:14) . This section was very vast, gloomy, and filled with red hot
liquid fire, the kind you see in a volcano. It looked like a lake that was filled with
fire instead of water. There were so many people here all screaming in great
sorrow and agony. The Lord showed me the punishment for gossipers, liars,
people who tell dirty jokes, dirty stories, and use their tongues in sin. I saw a
man. His tongue suddenly expanded and exploded and
immediately, his mouth was filled with worms in the place of the tongue!There
were countless large worms going in and out of his mouth!It was terrible to
behold. In this other section that the Lord showed me, there were really huge
flames. The flames were never reduced but kept burning so very hot, exploding
as though the heat was being increased. I saw a woman who was being strangled
by a serpent. It was large and squeezed itself around her body so tightly. I also
saw another woman. Her flesh was totally destroyed. All the flesh on her head
was destroyed and her head was covered in worms.

Widespread Demonic Pollution in the World

Jesus told us there are many things used on earth that are actually made in the
satanic kingdom and meant to cause demonic possession and control. He told us
there are so many things, including food, drinks, clothes, (satan has infiltrated
everywhere. That is why Christians should now rise up in prayer) have demons
assigned to possess people and influence them to sin. That is why it is important
to pray and commit whatever we buy into the hands of God, and destroy the
satanic powers it may come with.
He told us that television is one of his biggest baits to trap people to hell. The
Lord said, “Those programs shown on TV are not meant to entertain you, but to
take you to hell. Many are in hell because of TV. Many movies are written by
satan and acted by his agents, just to trap people to hell. It breaks My heart to
see how humanity falls for it. Do not watch secular TV. It will take you to hell.” He
said, “It's satan’s bait to lead you to sin, to destroy your soul. You have to crucify
the flesh. Do not obey the desires of your flesh. Obey the Holy Spirit.” The Lord
showed us demons that looked like cartoon characters; some even looked like
characters from some Christian cartoons!This shocked us but the Lord told us it’s
not all “Christian” programs that are really Christian. Many are just a disguise and
the “Christian” label is meant to just trap Christians into watching them when
they are actually meant to promote sin and lead people to hell. The Lord showed
us many movies, books, and even children’s cartoons that are written by satan
and brought to earth by his agents. The names of demonic cartoons and dolls
that He revealed to us are Mudpit, Barbie®, Scooby Doo®, Ben 10®, Avatar, Pixel
pinkie®, and the Walt Disney® versions of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and
the Little Mermaid. The Lord said all these cartoons have demons assigned to
possess children. Jesus said to me, "Can you see how cruel satan is? He wants to
trap even children to hell." I also saw a demon that looked like a character from a
Christian cartoon about Moses produced by Nest Entertainment® (see Author's
footnote). The demon looked like the baby Moses from this animated movie, and
it was laughing, saying it had deceived Christians!I also saw a demon that looked
like Aang from the Avatar cartoon!We had many of these cartoons at home and
Jesus instructed us to burn them.

Get Rid of Artificial Things
He told us He doesn’t want Christian women to be artificial in any way; He said
He doesn’t want them to use artificial hair, jewelry (ear rings, bracelets etc.),
artificial eyelashes, artificial nails, paint nails, lipstick, eyebrow pencil, or use any
of that makeup. He wants them to remain the way they were created. Be proud
of how He created you. That’s what pleases him. When He said this, there was
anger in His voice, He said, “Why are you trying to change what I have created? I
don’t want those things
on My children. If you want those things, why don’t you make your own humans
that you are going to put those things on. Don’t change what I’ve made!“All
these artificial things are from satan. I don’t want them on my children,” Jesus
doesn’t want them. Get rid of them and repent. They will lead you to hell. The
Lord showed me something very shocking; I saw a demon in form of a woman
and it was wearing all that stuff: artificial eyelashes, lipstick, and tight clothing. It
was only then that I realized where these things originate; from satan himself. He
told us how these things are from hell and satan has brought them to earth to
deceive humanity. I am not exaggerating. I am saying it as the Lord said it. It’s my
responsibility to warn you about this, because we are all going to face God one
day. I am telling you the truth. Jesus doesn’t like those things. He is pleased when
we remain the way He created us; this is what He told us.

Modesty and Holiness
He also told us He doesn’t want Christian women to wear trousers or jewelry.
The Lord allowed my sister to hear satan giving instructions to his demons. He
was saying, "Make sure they write 'LADIES TROUSERS' (on the label) so that
women will wear them and come to hell.” The Lord also showed me a demon in
the form of a naked woman, standing on a high wall. Though totally naked and
on a high wall, this demon kept trying to hide its nakedness by just covering itself
in bits, using its hands and squatting. But it wouldn’t put on any clothes!Jesus
told me, "This is the demon of nudity that controls women in the world, and that
is why they go out in public naked and only cover their bodies in bits." Jesus also
told me something else. He said, "This demon of nudity has entered many

Demons of worldliness
When I was praying, the Lord Jesus Christ showed me that in each town/city,
there is a demon of worldliness that rules .He showed me a chair set so high like
a throne, on it sat a female demon and the Lord told me it's the demon of
worldliness, and it controls the city. Because of it people dress and adorn
themselves in ways that are unpleasing to the Lord. The Lord told me this exists
in every city and town and that's the reason why worldliness is so wide spread.
Its time to pull these thrones down in Jesus' name. The Lord then told me that
Satan has put demons of divorce in wigs and jewelry and that people will just
begin to notice their marriages falling apart without knowing it's these spirits
behind that. He Said this is because Satan hates marriage and loves divorce and
destruction,he is just using this as a way to spread his demons. The Lord also told
me that these things are also the reason why some people have spiritual
husbands/wives.The Lord also told me that it's also the reason why some people
keep receiving prophesy about what the Lord would do in their lives but it
doesn't get fulfilled because they are living in disobedience.I was at a prayer
meeting one day and there was a lady there whom the Lord wanted to use
greatly.This man of God prophesied to her about it and asked me to pray for her
but the moment i wanted to do that,the Lord Jesus Christ said to me,"tell her to
first remove her idolds" (refering to the jewelry and makeup and fake hair the
lady was wearing).The reason it's wrong to use these things isn't because of the
demons Satan has put there but because The Lord forbids these things. He’s
made it clear they are unpleasing to Him.So He will not cleanse them when He
has cursed them.Satan polutes alot of other things we use here on earth as well
with different demons but when we pray,the Lord cleanses them.But the Lord
will not cleanse things He has cursed and classified as sinful.


  1. Thank you for all the warnings.I do understand them because they are in line with God's word. Truly God doesn't want fake things on his children because He is truth. Therefore,fake and truth don't agree. I'm blessed by her sharing.

  2. God bless you sister,more grace

  3. Very true continue my sister we were blessed to have some who comes from the sea he was working with demons and Satan he even told us the names of this demons possessing woman to wear trousers,fake hair,make up and those things you spoke about,thts hundred percent true keep preaching,He also teached us to pray when we are sick we don't go to hospitals

  4. I pray that GOD help more people to believe because is the truth in JESUS name
