Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"They felt the could choose which parts of holiness to obey and left some thinking they could obey later"

Prophet Eubert Angel,the Lord mentioned your name,beware....

By Zippora Mushala

At 2 Pm today,I was in the presence of the Lord when I heard the Lords voice say,
"My child,write down what am about to tell you."
The following are purely direct quotes from Jesus Christ.
"To all false preachers who lead humanity in the wrong direction,your wages will
be too heavy for you to pay in hell."
"You will realise that the devil was just using you to further his Kingdom and will
reward with an even bigger punishment than the people you deceived. "
"Quit preaching prosperity,preach Salvation.For Salvation comes first and then all
these things will be added." Matthew 6:33.
"For what use will it be if your congregation prospers here on earth but their
souls perish?

Do you want them to be in prosperity for a few countable years and in torment
for all eternity? No,that is unfair." Mark 8:36,For what shall it profit a man, if he
shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
"If you do not change your ways and preach the truth,I tell you,your wages will
be far greater.There is a special section for you in hell for all eternity. "
"Many of you have made covenants with the devil.Money and fame in exchange
for my people's souls. What?!Is my creation something you can gamble with?"
The Lord told me to mention the following Prosperity Preacher.
The Lord said,"Eubert Angel,I tell you you are one of the biggest prosperity
preachers leading my people to hell.You say you have seen heaven and hell but
you do not tell my people how to escape it.You just say, Hell is a terrible place
and no one should go there.Yet you are leading them there yourself.You are not
telling them.how to escape it."
" Eubert Angel,you know so well that I demand holiness because I have revealed
it to you.But you are ignoring my voice for the sake of men's praises. You even
dare say that if you do not preach prosperity then who will preach it?Double the
portion of the people you are leading to hell will be yours if you do not change
and obey my voice."
"And you false teachers,you tell people not to sin but you don't tell them what
that sin is.All because you want to seem like you are preaching the truth,yet you
are not!You encourage sexual immorality in your midst by allowing people to
date yet they are not even ready for marraige."
"You have built big Church in order to offload those numbers into hell.How abominable. "
The Lord was very angry and grieved at heart with a clenched fist as he said this.
"You telling people to stay away from sin and hell is just the same as telling a
poor man to keep warm and eat well yet not giving him the food that he may do
so."James 2:15-17.
"Your Churches are full of people with false Security.They think they are walking
in the narrow way yet they are even running in the broad way."
"And as for you blind followers of prosperity preachers.Has my word just become
a book to you? You prefer human guidance to being led by the Holy Spirit.You
want to follow what a human being is telling you instead of what am telling you
in my word. "
"Is a human being going to judge you? He too will have to account for his
actions.I am your Judge!Amend your ways,quit being worldly for I am Holy and
unless you are Holy,the only face you'll see is that of the devil in hell.Repent!"
Hebrews 12:14
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness
no one will see the Lord.
"Why do you blindly sit in a Prosperity Church or a Church that is totally cold as if
you have been bewitched?" Galatians 3:3 O foolish Galatians, who hath
bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth?
The Lord said, "Preach to others the word,including little children.For I desire all
to come to me." (END)
Will you follow a human being or will you follow Christ who gave up his life for

(By Zippora Mushala)
I was in the presence of the Lord when I entered into the spiritual realm. What I
heard first were billions of voices, one yet separate. I heard billions of screams
from the pit of hell and from a distance,it sounded as if there were a lot of
people each glued to the other and screaming the same thing at the same time.
Yet I knew from the various times I have seen Hell that each one was on their
own and they were all screaming different things.
The way I heard them scream reminded me of the verse which says,"Love the
Lord your God with all your heart,soul,strength and mind. " That is how these
people were screaming. They were screaming with all their heart,soul,might and strength. They were screaming with every ability that is in them.
I saw the flames double the height of each person and great steam was rising up
like waves of water in the abyss. The Lord allowed me to feel how each of them
were feeling. I saw that they knew that there was a door out of Hell but they all
felt the way one would feel knowing that there is a door out of a place but the
keys had been thrown away and they would never get out. They felt GREAT
I saw that each of them had moved towards the door in this section of Hell
hoping to get out. They were in their billions standing at the door like sands on
the sea shore and each was still in a flame and torments,crying and hoping to get
out. They were screaming,"aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!"I saw
that the door was a double door and on the middle where the two sides met to
close,there was a line of light. That small space had been left on purpose to
increase their torment by letting them know that there is some hope out there
but you will never get there.
When I saw that, I realised how unfair Satan is by tricking people with these
useless passing things of the world,only to capture them into severe torments for
all eternity.
When I compared the things of this world to what I saw, they did not even come
close to being worth it. No wonder Paul says, I count all things as DUNG.
The Lord Jesus Christ told me, "Have you seen what I am saving you from if you
obey me?" "Those people in Hell were all normal people like you. They are not a
different kind of species. No. They were all normal people like you and lived a
normal life on earth. They went to Church on Sunday,prayed,worshiped and
talked about things of God just like you people do now. I gave them various
warnings like I give you people now. But they played with holiness. They felt they
could choose which parts of holiness to obey and left some thinking they will
obey them later. Tell my children that they are not the author of their life and
they don't decide when it ends."
"Today,this minute when they hear is the day of salvation. Keep your garments
Holy so that the devil will not claim you. When you die in sin, I can not help you.
Only what is Holy goes into my Kingdom. Tell my children not to take for granted
their chances to repent because any time,death can claim their lives. Please don't
break my heart by joining those voices in Hell. "
Brethren, please let none of us EVER be one of those voices screaming in Hell.

Ripped (rugged) clothes and entangled hair(dreadlocks) – By Zippora Mushala

During prayer this morning,the Lord opened my eyes and I saw in the Spirit,a
vision. I saw a man standing and an evil Spirit which emerged from a rubbish
dump came and possessed him. It was like a transparent black fog but it had the
figure of a creature and I was wondering why it had emerged from the rubbish
dump. I heard the voice of the Lord saying it is a spirit of madness .I saw this man
desiring to wear ripped jeans and to lock his hair in dreads after possession from
this Spirit. He was being influenced by this Spirit of madness. I heard the voice of
the Lord saying to me,"Do you see this?Why should someone in their right senses
wear ripped clothes?Only mad people wear such clothes. Tell my children not to
engage in such acts. Look at his hair,it is not different than that of a mad man.
Humans were not created with entangled hair but liberated,why are they putting
it in bondage like mad people?Tell them to liberate it and be freed from the Spirit
of madness!Tell my children to be free." The Lord said,"When you look at the
people in the world,do not just be thankful that you are no longer one of them.
Pray for them because many demons are making them behave the way they do. I
want you to know that there is a demon behind everything. The demon of
beer,the demon of sexual immorality,the demon of nakedness which makes
people walk almost with nothing on,the demon of clubbing,the demon of insults.
These demons have ropes and they are dragging these people to Hell. Pray for
their salvation my children!This is not normal behaviour. This is not how I
intended for my children to be. I want you to know and pray for them to be free.
Intercede for the salvation of their souls. They do not know it but after they have
been bound,they have been blinded and are going to hell with blind folds.
Smiling as they approach the tunnels of damnation,never to return. This is
because they do not know what awaits them for eternity." (END)

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